The Reproductive System
system functions in gamete
of male and female gametes to form a zygote
Introduction to the Reproductive System
Reproductive system includes:
(testes, ovaries)
glands and organs
•External genitalia
Males and Females
produce spermatozoa
from body in semen during ejaculation
produce oocytes
along uterine tube toward uterus
connects uterus with exterior of body
The Reproductive System of the Male
Male Reproductive System
of spermatozoa
•Ductus deferens
•Bulbourethral glands
sac encloses testes
The testes
of the testes
of testes through inguinal canal into scrotum
during fetal development
remain connected to internal structures
Male Anatomy
of scrotal sac
•Dartos muscle wrinkles scrotal sac
•Cremaster muscle pulls sac close to body
albuginea surrounds testis
extend from tunica albuginea to epididymus
Sperm production
seminiferous tubules
cells between seminiferous tubules
sex hormones
pass through rete testis
ductules connect rete
testis to epididymus
•Seminiferous tubules
cells involved in spermatogenesis
sustentacular cells
and promote development of sperm
involves three processes
Anatomy of spermatozoon
spermatozoon has:
and densely packed chromosomes
that produce the ATP needed to move the tail
only flagellum in the human body
Male reproductive tract
produce mature spermatozoa
enter epididymus
tubule with head, body and tail regions
and adjusts fluid in seminiferous tubules
and protects spermatozoa
functional maturation of spermatozoa
Ductus deferens AKA vas
at epididymus
through inguinal canal
to form ampulla
duct at base of seminal vesicle and ampulla
•Empties into urethra
bladder to tip of penis
Accessory glands
secretory gland
~60% total volume of semen
•Secretions contain fructose, prostaglandins, fibrinogen
Accessory glands
slightly acidic prostate fluid
•Bulbourethral glands
alkaline mucus with lubricating properties
Contents of Semen
ejaculate = 2-5 ml fluid
between 20 – 100 million spermatozoa per ml
•A distinct ionic and nutritive glandular secretion
External genitalia
external genitalia consist of the scrotum and the penis
overlying penis resembles scrotum
three masses of erectile tissue
corpora cavernosa beneath fascia
corpus spongiosum surrounding urethra
of erectile tissue produces erection
Hormones and male reproductive function
(Follicle stimulating hormone)
sustentacular cells to promote spermatogenesis
(leutinizing hormone)
secretion of testosterone and other androgens
•GnRH (Gonadotropin releasing
•Most important androgen
The Reproductive System of the Female
Principle organs of the female reproductive system
Support and stabilization
uterine tubes and uterus enclosed within broad ligament
•Mesovarium supports and stabilizes ovary
The ovaries
in position by ovarian and suspensory ligaments
vessels enter at ovarian hilus
albuginea covers ovary
monthly in ovarian follicles
of ovarian cycle
phase (preovulatory)
•Luteal phase (postovulatory)
The ovarian cycle
in the ovarian cycle
of primary, secondary, and tertiary follicles
and degeneration of the corpus luteum
of the corpus luteum
The Uterine tubes
tubes (Fallopian tubes or oviducts)
closest to the ovary with numerous fimbriae
middle portion
•A short segment connected to the uterine wall
Each uterine tube opens directly into uterine cavity
occurs in uterine tube
hours after ovulation
passage from infundibulum to uterus
The uterus
removal for the developing embryo and fetus
•Supported by the broad ligament and 3 pairs of suspensory ligaments
anatomical landmarks
os (internal orifice)
•Internal os (internal orifice)
Uterine wall consists of three layers:
•Myometrium – outer muscular layer
•Endometrium – a thin, inner, glandular mucosa
•Perimetrium – an incomplete serosa continuous with the peritoneum
series of changes in the endometrium
Uterine cycle
series of changes in the endometrium
from menarche to menopause
of the endometrium
•Proliferative phase
of the endometrium
•Secretory phase
•Endometrial glands enlarge and accelerate their rates of secretion
The vagina
for elimination of menstrual fluids
the penis during sexual intercourse
the inferior portion of the birth canal
External genitalia
minora and majora
•Paraurethral glands
and greater vestibular glands
Mammary glands
fat pad
surrounded by the areola
in lactation under control of reproductive hormones
Hormones of the female reproductive cycle
the reproductive cycle
•Coordinate the ovarian and uterine cycles
Hormones of the female reproductive cycle
hormones include:
follicular development
structure and secretory function of corpus luteum
multiple functions
endometrial growth and secretion
The Physiology of Sexual Intercourse
Male sexual function
to erection of the penis
outflow over the pelvic nerves
and ejaculation
under sympathetic stimulation
in semen being pushed toward external urethral opening
of erection
by the sympathetic nervous system
Female sexual function
are comparable to those of male sexual function
causes clitoral erection
surfaces are moistened
stimulation causes engorgement of blood vessels in the nipples
Aging and the Reproductive System
time that ovulation and menstruation cease
around age 45-55
by a decline in circulating estrogen and progesterone
in GnRH, FSH, LH
Male climacteric
of circulating testosterone begin to decline
and LH levels rise
reduction in sexual activity