The Endocrine System
Intercellular Communication
Endocrine versus Nervous system
Nervous system performs short term crisis management
Endocrine system regulates long term ongoing metabolic
Endocrine communication is carried out by endocrine
cells releasing hormones
Alter metabolic activities of tissues and organs
Target cells
• Paracrine
communication involves chemical messengers between cells within one tissue
An Overview of the Endocrine System
Endocrine system
Includes all cells and endocrine tissues that produce
hormones or paracrine factors
Hormone structure
Amino acid derivatives
Structurally similar to amino acids
Peptide hormones
Chains of amino acids
Lipid derivatives
Steroid hormones and eicosanoids
Hormones can be
Freely circulating
Rapidly removed from bloodstream
Bound to transport proteins
Mechanisms of hormone action
Receptors for catecholamines, peptide hormones,
eicosanoids are in the cell membranes of target cells
Thyroid and steroid hormones cross the membrane and
bind to receptors in the cytoplasm or nucleus
Control of endocrine activity
Endocrine reflexes are the counterparts of neural
Hypothalamus regulates the activity of the nervous and
endocrine systems
Secreting regulatory hormones that control the anterior
pituitary gland
Releasing hormones at the posterior pituitary gland
Exerts direct neural control over the endocrine cells
of the adrenal medullae
Endocrine System
The Pituitary Gland
Releases nine important peptide hormones
All nine bind to membrane receptors and use cyclic AMP
as a second messenger
The anterior lobe (adenohypophysis)
Subdivided into the pars distalis, pars intermedia and
pars tuberalis
At the median eminence, neurons release regulatory
factors through fenestrated capillaries
Releasing hormones
Inhibiting hormones
Endocrine System
Hypophyseal portal system
All blood entering the portal system will reach the
intended target cells before returning to the general circulation
Hormones of the adenohypophysis
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
Triggers the release of thyroid hormones
Thyrotropin releasing hormone promotes the release of
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Stimulates the release of glucocorticoids by the
adrenal gland
Corticotrophin releasing hormone causes the secretion
Hormones of the adenohypophysis
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Stimulates follicle development and estrogen secretion
in females and sperm production in males
Leutinizing hormone (LH)
Causes ovulation and progestin production in females
and androgen production in males
• Gonadotropin
releasing hormone (GNRH) promotes the secretion of FSH and LH
Hormones of the adenohypophysis
Prolactin (PH)
Stimulates the development of mammary glands and milk
Growth hormone (GH or somatotropin)
Stimulates cell growth and replication through release
of somatomedins or IGF
Growth-hormone releasing hormone
Growth-hormone inhibiting hormone
Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)
May be secreted by the pars intermedia during fetal
development, early childhood, pregnancy or certain diseases
Stimulates melanocytes to produce melanin
The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland (neurohypophysis)
Contains axons of hypothalamic nerves
neurons of the supraoptic nucleus manufacture antidiuretic
hormone (ADH)
Decreases the amount of water lost at the kidneys
Elevates blood pressure
The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland (neurohypophysis)
Neurons of the paraventricular nucleus manufacture
Stimulates contractile cells in mammary glands
Stimulates smooth muscle cells in uterus
The Thyroid Gland
The thyroid
Lies near the thyroid cartilage of the larynx
Two lobes connected by an isthmus
Thyroid follicles and thyroid hormones
Thyroid gland contains numerous follicles
Release several hormones such as thyroxine (T4) and
triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroid hormones end up attached to thyroid binding
globulins (TBG)
Some are attached to transthyretin or albumin
Thyroid hormones
Held in storage
Bound to mitochondria, thereby increasing ATP
Bound to receptors activating genes that control energy
Exert a calorigenic effect
Cells of the thyroid gland
C cells produce calcitonin
Helps regulate calcium concentration in body fluids
The Parathyroid Glands
Four parathyroid glands
Embedded in the posterior surface of the thyroid gland
Chief cells produce parathyroid hormone (PTH) in
response to lower than normal calcium concentrations
Parathyroid hormones plus calcitriol are primary
regulators of calcium levels in healthy adults
The Adrenal Glands
Adrenal cortex
Manufactures steroid hormones (corticosteroids)
Cortex divided into three layers
Zona glomerulosa (produces mineralocorticoids)
Zona fasciculate (produces glucocorticoids)
Zona reticularis (produces androgens)
Adrenal medulla
Produces epinephrine (~75 - 80%)
Produces norepinephrine (~25-30%)
The Pineal Gland
Pineal gland
Contains pinealocytes
Synthesize melatonin
Suggested functions include inhibiting reproductive
function, protecting against damage by free radicals, setting circadian rhythms
The Pancreas
The pancreatic islets
Clusters of endocrine cells within the pancreas called
Islets of Langerhans or pancreatic islets
Alpha cells secrete glucagons
Beta cells secrete insulin
Delta cells secrete GH-IH
F cells secrete pancreatic polypeptide
Insulin and glucagon
Insulin lowers blood glucose by increasing the rate of
glucose uptake and utilization
Glucagon raises blood glucose by increasing the rates
of glycogen breakdown and glucose manufacture by the liver
The Endocrine Tissues of Other Systems
The intestines
Produce hormones important to the coordination of
digestive activities
The kidneys
Produce calcitriol and erythropoietin (EPO) and the
enzyme rennin
Calcitriol = stimulates calcium and phosphate ion
absorption along the digestive tract
EPO stimulates red blood cell production by bone marrow
Renin converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I
Angiotensin I converted to angiotensin II in the lungs
Stimulates adrenal production of aldosterone
Stimulates pituitary gland release of ADH
Promotes thirst
Elevates blood pressure
The heart
Specialized muscle cells produce natriuretic peptides
when blood pressure becomes excessive
Generally oppose actions of angiotensin II
The thymus
Produces thymosins
Help develop and maintain normal immune defenses
The gonads
Interstitial cells of the testes produce testosterone
Most important sex hormone in males
In females, oocytes develop in follicles
Follicle cells produce estrogens
After ovulation, the follicle cells form a corpus
luteum that releases a mixture of estrogens and progesterone
Adipose tissues secrete
Leptin, a feedback control for appetite
Resistin, which reduces insulin sensitivity
Patterns of Hormonal Interaction
Hormones often interact, producing
Antagonistic (opposing) effects
Synergistic (additive) effects
Permissive effects (one hormone is required for the
other to produce its effect)
Integrative effects (hormones produce different but
complimentary results)
Hormones and growth
Normal growth requires the interaction of several
endocrine organs
Six hormones are important
Thyroid hormones
Reproductive hormones
Hormones and stress
Stress = any condition that threatens homeostasis
GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome) is our bodies
response to stress-causing factors
Three phases to GAS
Alarm phase (immediate, fight or flight, directed by
the sympathetic nervous system)
Resistance phase (dominated by glucocorticoids)
Exhaustion phase (breakdown of homeostatic regulation
and failure of one or more organ systems)
Hormones and behavior
Many hormones affect the CNS
Changes in the normal mixture of hormones significantly
alters intellectual capabilities, memory, learning and emotional states
Aging and Hormone Production
Endocrine system
Few functional changes with age
Chief change is a decline in concentration of
reproductive hormones