The Cardiovascular System: An Introduction
The cardiovascular system
a mechanism for rapid transport of nutrients, waste products, respiratory gases
and cells
Functions and Composition of Blood
connective tissue
dissolved gases, nutrients, hormones, and metabolic wastes
pH and ion composition of interstitial fluids
fluid loss at injury sites
the body against toxins and pathogens
body temperature by absorbing and redistributing heat
The composition of blood
and formed elements comprise whole blood
blood cells (RBC)
blood cells (WBC)
fractionate whole blood for analytical or clinical purposes
of blood cell formation
•Hemocytoblasts are circulating stem cells that divide to
form all types of blood cells
blood from anywhere in the body has roughly the same temperature, pH and
for 46-63% of blood volume
of plasma is water
concentration of dissolved oxygen and dissolved proteins than interstitial
Plasma proteins
than 90% are synthesized in the liver
of plasma proteins
for viscosity and osmotic pressure of blood
Additional Plasma Proteins
of plasma proteins
immunoglobins which attack foreign proteins and
transport globulins which bind ions, hormones and other compounds
to fibrin during clotting
of fibrinogen leaves serum
Red Blood Cells
Abundance of RBCs
account for slightly less than half the blood volume, and 99.9% of the formed
•Hematocrit measures the percentage of whole blood occupied
by formed elements
referred to as the volume of packed red cells
Structure of RBCs
disc, providing a large surface to volume ration
allows RBCs to stack, bend and flex
•RBCs lack organelles
degenerate in about 120 days.
of hemoglobin account for 95% of the proteins in RBCs
is a globular protein, formed from two pairs of polypeptide subunits
subunit contains a molecule of heme which reversibly
binds an oxygen molecule
or dead RBCs are recycled by phagocytes
RBC life span and circulation
at a rate of approximately 3 million new blood cells entering the circulation
per second.
before they hemolyze
of hemoglobin individually recycled
•Heme stripped of iron and converted to biliverdin,
then bilirubin
is recycled by being stored in phagocytes, or transported throughout the blood
stream bound to transferrin
RBC Production
•Erythropoeisis = the formation of new red blood cells
in red bone marrow
speeds up with in the presence of EPO (Erythropoeisis
stimulating hormone)
•RBCs pass through reticulocyte
and erythroblast stages
Blood types
by the presence or absence of surface antigens (agglutinogens)
A, B and Rh (D)
in the plasma (agglutinins)
occur when antigens meet antibodies
The White Blood Cells
nuclei and other organelles
the body against pathogens
toxins, wastes, and abnormal or damaged cells
capable of amoeboid movement (margination) and
positive chemotaxis
are capable of phagocytosis
Types of WBC
•Neutrophils – 50 to 70 % total WBC population
•Eosinophils – phagocytes attracted to foreign compounds
that have reacted with antibodies
•Basophils – migrate to damaged tissue and release histamine
and heparin
Types of WBC
•Agranular leukocytes
•Monocytes - become
– includes T cells, B cells, and NK cells
Differential count
a number of disorders
= inordinate number of leukocytes
WBC Production
and monocytes are produced by bone marrow stem cells
to create progenitor cells
cells may originate in bone marrow and migrate to peripheral tissues
colony stimulating factors are involved in regulation and control of production
for 9-12 days before being removed by phagocytes
Platelet functions
chemicals important to clotting
temporary patch in walls of damaged blood vessels
after a clot has formed
Platelet production (thrombocytopoiesis)
•Megakaryocytes release platelets into circulating blood
of platelet formation is stimulated by thrombopoietin,
thrombocyte-stimulating factor, interleukin-6, and
the loss of blood through vessel walls
phases –
•Coagulation phase
blood vessel constriction (vascular spasm)
are activated, aggregate at the site, adhere to the damaged surfaces
Coagulation phase
released by platelets and endothelial cells interact with clotting factors to
form a clot
•Suspended fibrinogen is converted to large insoluble fibrin fibers
Clot retraction
phase of healing
•Platelets contract and pull the edges of the vessel together
gradually dissolves through action of plasmin
form of plasminogen
can be prevented through the use of drugs that depress the clotting response or
dissolve existing clots
include heparin, coumadin, aspirin, dicumarol, t- PA, streptokinase, and urokinase